Arroyo Flood Control Maintenance Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA)
2008 – present
Perform all maintenance for flood control authority in Sandoval County, New Mexico.
Tasks include sediment removal from earth dams, channels, levees and retention ponds. All access road maintenance including shaping, watering, compacting and surfacing. Responsible for preventing blockage by and removal of debris and obstructions in culvers of concrete boxes, corrugated metal pipe, reinforced concrete pipe, high density polyethylene pipe ranging in size from 10” to over 96” diameters.
Maintenance work performed has not only been preventative work, not only clean up after the rain event, but sometimes DURING a rain event. Rainfall of more than 3 inches in the monsoon season of 2013 caused SSCAFCA to call upon CBKN to protect the Village of Corrales and the City of Rio Rancho. Wade Longley coordinated a joint effort between private contractors and local government agencies to protect many homes, businesses, streets, roadways and agricultural resources from the flood waters. Crews worked around the clock to ensure public safety and protect property.
Multi-district Material Transportation New Mexico Department of Transportation 2011-present.
Pedro Villa
Furnish all trucking required by NMDOT, in multiple districts, for hauling requirements of aggregate materials and hot mix asphalt to various location around New Mexico. Coordinate up to 15 tractor-trailer belly dumps with asphalt plant and paving crew to accomplish paving operations on IH40 East and West of Albuquerque both safely and efficiently.
Camino Real Landfill
Sunland Park, NM
Juan Carlos
Excavate over 60,000 CY of material, 24,888 SY subgrade prep and installation of over 24,000 SY of ventilated liner and welded HDPE gathering system
City of Raton
Landfill Final Cover
Raton, NM
Gordon Environmental, Inc.
Michael J. Crepeau, P.E.
Excavate over 13,300 CY from adjacent borrow pit and place 0-2’ cover on existing landfill. Excavate 20,400 CY vegetative topsoil from adjacent property and place 6” layer on landfill and slopes.
Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Work at the more than 19 acre site included moving over 97,000 cy of dirt, constructing 890 LF of 3’x3’ Concrete Box Culverts, installing over 7200 sy of shotcrete and all appurtenance to create a flood control detention pond and drain channel to help control run-off and minimize downstream flooding in Rio Rancho and below.
United Way Church
Los Alamos, NM
Mick Rich
Site Work, Selective Demolition, over-excavation for building pod, subgrade prep and export excess materials.
Gallegos Wash Bridge
San Juan County,
Fill approach for new bridge construction, construct subgrade for riprap and do subgrade prep for roadway, then furnish and install roadway base coarse.
Circle K
Flora Vista, NM
MJT General Contractors
Linda Thaten
Site Work, Storm Drain, Import 20,000 CY fill material, turn lane, subgrade prep and roadway base coarse.
Los Alamos Canyon Reservoir
Los Alamos, NM
Patricio Guerrerorriz
Drain reservoir, remove trees and debris, remove approximately 25,000 CY material from reservoir and use to reconstruct 1.25 mile access road.
Pueblo Improvement Project
Jemez Pueblo, NM
AUI, Inc.
Eddie Gonzales
Excavate/Embank over 38,000 CY of dirt creating streets, drainage easements, retention ponds and 85 building pads for homes
Camino Real Landfill
Sunland Park, NM
Juan Carlos
Excavate over 44,000 CY of material, 202,000 SY subgrade prep and installation of over 15,200 CY barrier layer over liner and install and welded HDPE leachate gathering system